Day 1 - Clean up your README

I have done some improvement in the README of one of my old libraries: Vue-sweet-calendar

Updated the readme file for one of my personal projects which had the boilerplate Laravel template. The good news is, I had a lot to write about … the bad news is the 20 minutes only got me about halfway there.

I’ve made it 15 minutes before the day ends. I hope, that the next day will be better. I’ve updated readme for my side project.

Discovered that we have no README, so I pulled together a small amount of instructions from the intranet and all of the myriad links that make a corporate project go. Good to be back on the CQC!

I found an outdated app README that benefited from the following (a little longer than 20 minutes):

  • Checking all the URLs were updated (docs, CI, etc)
  • Correctly noting team ownership
  • Fixing the broken process that should have built the docs

I found a bunch of old READMEs that had been neglected. I took the opportunity to also link back to useful related resources which should help make things easier to find in future.

The project renovation has begun. There was a README, but it was 100% RDD.

I added sections for platform requirements, roadmap, contributing, license, contact, and acknowledgements. Which sections I copied from the best readme template, thanks @vinayaksh42.

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I struggled to replace the default README for our project because it is a big application with a lot of modules and did not know where to start.

So I only provided a short project description, and instead I focused on describing our git workflow. Since we do not have Continuous Integration yet, I added some notes about running the code formatter and the tests before pushing anything to the repository.

Our project works on PostgreSQL and SQL Server, so I provided instructions to switch databases.

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A little late to the party :sweat_smile:

Turns out that the readme was quite outdated. Updated all installation, testing and usage commands.

It just dawned on me that it really doesn’t take up much time to update documentation.

I have a git repo with my home directory config in it (think .bashrc, .gitconfig, etc). The readme was wildly out of date, so I updated it today for CQC day 1: Update the readme for CQC day 1 by pzelnip · Pull Request #46 · pzelnip/dotfiles · GitHub

Started a readme for one of my side projects. Definitely one of those work in progress things. But the resources provided here gave me a great start.

I created a README for a project I worked on recently. It was a set of classes, rather than an entire application. Still, I found it useful and fun to have a README, which will hopefully benefit future engineers who have to modify the code.

What a great way to start the challenge!

I updated setup instructions in the README for a cryptocurrency side project I had worked on.

It was fun going through old apps and seeing where improvements to documentation could be made. Looking forward to the next challenge. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, I Improved a README for Laravel Package that I wanted to improve a long time ago.
It was a good way to start with this challenge.

Done. Some coworkers append dummy characters to our README right within Github to easily test some internal CI-like tools we’re developing.

I cleaned up all those dummy characters and will instruct them to use a dedicated file for bumping instead (or tell them about empty commits, but that is too involved for some of them who are non technical).

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I added a new README for our front-end, linking to it from the our README. In it I explained our approaches, the tools we use to support our approach, and how to do various common things in the codebase using these tools.

Awesome work everyone! What a great Day 1 :smile:

This was a great reminder to keep our README up-to-date. We’re a small team using a private repo, but since we just added a third developer this is the perfect time to go through this. Some of our local environment and workflow instructions were outdated, and we didn’t have any kind of summary about the app.

Our team focused on our internal wiki and documentation recently, but I was able to cleanup the README on my alpha project Slimer to better explain why it exists and how to best use it.

TODOs here I come!

I’m a little behind but I’m catching up.

I updated the documentation for our marketing site. We recently changed hosts and there is now a different deploy procedure so I updated the readme to cover the new steps required to get the staging and production servers updated. I also added a section that covers creating snapshots and restoring backups/snapshots should things go wrong.