Day 19 - Automate some repetitive action

Please spend 20 minutes automating/systematizing some action that you perform repetitively.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Create a bin/deploy script to handle any tasks that you always perform before/after deploys. (One post-deploy task I like to include: open production in my browser to make sure I didn’t just hose it somehow.)
  • Create an alias for shell commands that you type frequently (git commands are good candidates). Here are my zsh aliases for more inspiration.
  • You know that thing you do all the time that makes you think “there has to be a better way”? Dig into that and see if you’re right.
  • Find a way to save yourself some keystrokes.

In general: find something you do at least a few times a week and see if you can make it more pleasant. Think of it as sanding down the rough edges in your development environment.

I think you’ll find this one quite satisfying. When I automate an annoying task, I get a little burst of dopamine each time I use my new, improved method to accomplish it. One-time effort; continuous payoff.


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If anyone else is doing iOS development, a great thing to set up is the Fastlane suite of tools:

This combined with me playing catchup from Day 16 to get me to update my (somewhat-out-of-date) Fastlane setup!

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Finally created some long overdue gulp tasks for testing my web extensions.

This was perfect timing, as our deployments are still manual and I had done one yesterday. There’s a rather tedious manual process of tagging a SHA in Git when we do a release with a particular format, so I wrote a script to pull down the latest changes and given a release number tags the appropriate commit, pushes that tag to the remote, & spits out the new tag & SHA.

20 minutes well spent.

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I took @ben’s suggestion and added a post-deploy browser launch, as well as some new zsh aliases.

I think you’ll find this one quite satisfying.

Definitely! Added a few aliases based on your dotfiles, but I want to re-do my whole setup now that I’ve spent some time looking at yours and thoughtbot’s.

Also, I had no idea there was a .irbrc or a .railsrc!

I mean, I must have seen them (because they’re there - empty) but I never thought about using them to do something useful like you do :sweat_smile:

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I suggest using autojump. It helps a lot when changing the current directory in terminal!


We have an annoying manual process for creating an updater executable using ResHacker. I finally took the time to write a batch file to run it from command line automatically after every compilation and added it into our post-build script. This is what I call the good life! :smile: