Day 8 - Extract a compound conditional

Week two! Let’s get after it.

Today’s task: extract a compound conditional.

This is best explained in a live-coding, video format. Fortunately, I have just the thing!

Please watch the first 5 minutes of this video:

The linked video is a sample of a course I created recently, and it contains my best explanation of how and why to extract compound conditionals.

Again, you only need to watch until 4:58.

For those of you that truly hate video, here’s a brief text version:

Compound conditionals look like this:

if foo && bar


if foo || bar

Your language might write these slightly differently, but the essential bit is that you have a conditional whose truth depends on the truth of two components combined with a boolean logic operator.

I’ve found that extracting these compound conditionals into a named method almost always improves the code.

In abstract terms, that looks like this:


if foo && bar


if higher_level_concept?

def higher_level_concept?
  foo && bar

And here’s a concrete example:


if user_created_account_today? && user_has_unconfirmed_email?


if user_has_high_spam_risk?


def user_has_high_spam_risk?
  user_created_account_today? && user_has_unconfirmed_email?

I prefer the second version because it’s more explicit. It takes an implicit idea: “users with new accounts and unconfirmed emails are more likely to post spam” and makes it explicit in the code. This is usually a big win, since it means there is more information in the code, and less that exists only in developers’ heads.

Again, there’s even more useful info in the video, and it’s only 5 minutes, so I suggest watching it.

Today’s challenge: find a compound conditional in your code (just grep for && and ||) and try extracting it into a well-named method. Try to make the new method explain a little more about what the compound conditional means at a higher level.

If the new name is a big enough improvement, consider committing/merging/opening a PR. If not, no worries. Just revert and remember this lesson next time you reach for && or ||.

This is a very ticky one for database guys for we don’t have the tools of you OO-guys - especially when it comes to SQL queries.
As for oracle, we have user-defined functions we could use to abstract some conditional logic, but it can have serious performance-implications (due to SQL/PLSQL context switching).
I therefore used the time to read a bit about the possibilities (which consumed much more than 20 minutes) and trying to include it into a current feature I am working on.
My findings so far (on an Oracle 12.1, might be even better on newer oracle versions) on the following use-case:

We have several rows of projects and want to show whether a project is finished or not. A project is either finished if it’s canceled (IS_CANCELED) or if the year of a specific date (VN_DATUM) is same or lower then the current financial year.

Common approach would look like this:

      when is_canceled = 1
        or ( vn_datum is not null and extract(year from vn_datum) <= fin_year.year) then
    end is_finished
  from my_projects
    cross join (select get_cur_fin_year() year from dual) fin_year

get_cur_fin_year() is a function with PL/SQL result-cache enabled.

I extracted the condition into a package which looks like this:

create or replace package body project_util as

  function date_reached_fin_year( i_date in date )
    return boolean
      if ( i_date is not null
           and extract(year from i_date) <= get_cur_fin_year() )
        return true;
        return false;
      end if;

  function is_finished(
    i_is_canceled in my_projects.is_canceled%type,
    i_vn_datum in my_projects.vn_datum%type )
    return integer
      if ( i_is_canceled = 1 or date_reached_fin_year(i_vn_datum)) then
        return 1;
      end if;

      return 0;


So the select now looks like

   project_util.is_finished(is_canceled, vn_datum) as is_finished
from my_projects

The performance of the latter was about 30% slower, which is absolutely okay in my use-case (only several hundred or thousand projects). I tested with 10’000, 100’000 and 1’000’000 test-entries. Significant performance issues only came with the 1-million test. Even with 100’000 test-entries the performance was ~280ms vs ~360ms - hardly noticable.
Hint: Adding pragma udf to the function did only increase performance by a little bit, though I think that’s due to the bit outdated oracle-version.

Edit: Adding result_cache to the is_finished-function decreased performance terribly. deterministic had no significant effect (this is highly dependent on the data stored - in my case the VN_DATUM is different for each project)

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I love this kind of improvements. I’m of the philosophy that code is for humans to read and computers to incidentally execute.

I converted this:

for (Screen screen : Screen.getScreens()) {
  Rectangle2D bounds = screen.getVisualBounds();
  if (stage.getX() + stage.getWidth() - MINIMUM_VISIBLE_WIDTH >= bounds.getMinX() &&
      stage.getX() + MINIMUM_VISIBLE_WIDTH <= bounds.getMaxX() &&
      bounds.getMinY() <= stage.getY() && // We want the title bar to always be visible.
      stage.getY() + MINIMUM_VISIBLE_HEIGHT <= bounds.getMaxY()) {
      return false;

into this:

for (Screen screen : Screen.getScreens()) {
  if (isStageWithinScreen(stage, screen)) {
    return false;

So much more readable! The extra method looks like this:

private boolean isStageWithinScreen(Stage stage, Screen screen) {
    return stage.getX() + stage.getWidth() - MINIMUM_VISIBLE_WIDTH >= screen.getVisualBounds().getMinX() &&
            stage.getX() + MINIMUM_VISIBLE_WIDTH <= screen.getVisualBounds().getMaxX() &&
            screen.getVisualBounds().getMinY() <= stage.getY() && // We want the title bar to always be visible.
            stage.getY() + MINIMUM_VISIBLE_HEIGHT <= screen.getVisualBounds().getMaxY();
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Tricky in certain PHP situations - especially when working with data POST-ed to the server. To avoid warnings, we need to check if $_POST['fieldname'] is set before trying to access it, so we have a lot of conditions like this: if(isset($_POST['fieldname']) && {check the actual thing we want to check}) (or at least I do).

Maybe I could wrap up all $_POST access in an object, (and maybe I should), but that would just push the compound conditional down a layer or 3.

In most other situations, like those in the video, this works for us.

I went from this:

if(strtoupper($this->getData('country')) != 'CA' && strtoupper($this->getData('country')) != 'US') {
// ...

to this:

if( !in_array( strtoupper($this->getData('country')), ['CA','US']) ) {
// ...

and finally to this:

if( !$this->hasValidCountry() ) {
// ...

public function hasValidCountry() {
	return in_array( strtoupper($this->getData('country')), ['CA','US'] );

And did the same thing for a few other conditions.

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In my VueJS app one part of the site requires hiding the navbar, so I just did:

<div class="navbar" v-if="$ !== 'hiddenroute'">

But then other routes needed to hide the navbar, so it became

<div class="navbar" v-if="$ !== 'hiddenroute' && $ !== 'hiddenroute2'">

And then later there was a free trial banner added which also shouldn’t be shown on those pages, but only if the user is not active, so we got

<div class="trial-banner" v-if="isActive && $ !== 'hiddenroute' && $ !== 'hiddenroute2'">

Having both of those hardcoded in the app is not going to be sustainable and so the refactoring became:

<div class="trial-banner" v-if="showTrialBanner"/>
<div class="navbar" v-if="showUI"/>
showUI() {
    return !routesWhichHideUI.includes(this.$;
showTrialBanner() {
    return !this.isActive && this.showUI();

And this is even the start of a nice little access control list system. I’ll call this a nice little improvement.

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Made a minor change to one of our internal repos where it was checking the status code of an HTTP response. The gist was the code was previously like:

if response.status == 200 or response.status == 204...

and I refactored to:

if successful_response(response):

def successful_response(response):
    return response.status in {200, 204....}

Small win. As part of doing this though I wanted to look at the test coverage report to make sure the code I was changing was covered by a unit test. As it turned out the CI server for this project was configured such that while the test coverage report was generated, it was thrown away after building so I fixed that so it archives the test coverage report so we can actually look at the test coverage for a given build. Nice little win!

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This conditional existed a bunch of times in one procedure, so a small win. Since only one procedure was affected, extracted the compound conditional to a private function within the procedure, so no implications outside of the procedure. Changed this:

IF lv_event IN (c_event_OfferDeclined, c_event_OfferAccepted)

Into this:

FUNCTION f_is_offer_event
        RETURN lv_event IN (c_event_OfferDeclined, c_event_OfferAccepted);

IF f_is_offer_event

Heh… did a grep for if.*&& and opened the first file it found… and the compound conditional I extracted even had a bug in it!

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I got to use this in the process of fixing a bug today:

   def import_disabled?
 -    import_type == 'delta' &&
 -      args[:started_by] == PERIODIC_RUNNER_IDENTIFIER &&
 -      !
 +    [
 +      import_is_delta?,
 +      import_is_from_cron?,
 +      !delta_import_active?
 +    ].all?
 +  end
 +  def import_is_delta?
 +    String(import_type) == 'delta'
 +  end
 +  def import_is_from_cron?
 +    args[:started_by] == PERIODIC_RUNNER_IDENTIFIER
 +  end
 +  def delta_import_active?

I’m not thrilled about expanding the number of lines, but I think it makes the intentions a lot clearer. The bug was that i couldn’t count on import_type being a string, so I’m forcing a conversion.

resource.uid == resource_params[:uid] => resource_matches_requested_uid?