Day 4 - Excise some unused code

Our codebase is mostly C and C++, so I used cppcheck --enable=unusedFunction. Cppcheck found two related functions, which I deleted along with their global state(!). Unfortunately, since this codebase makes heavy use of function pointers (stored in arrays as part of a custom parser), cppcheck gives many false positives. I also tried callcatcher, but had a similar issue with false positives. I didn’t try Unused. Anyone succeed in using it on a C/C++ codebase?

25 PM


I’m trying to get unused ready on Debian, but I’ve run into trouble. After installing haskell-stack (from sid) and running stack update, I tried stack install unused, but I errors with this message:

AesonException "Error in $.packages.cassava.constraints.flags['bytestring--lt-0_10_4']: Invalid flag name: \"bytestring--lt-0_10_4\""

Any ideas?

Looks like some Haskell version hell on Debian Buster/Sid is blocking that option, but the docker option seems to have worked…

But after all that, I get Unused found no results. It looks like it’s analyzing my code for 2084 terms, but I added a uniquely named method to one of the models, without calling it from anywhere… it then said 2085 terms, but still 'Unused found no results`. So something must be going wrong here.

+20 -100

Mmmm trying to remove unused code I had to add some lines :smiley:

I’m going to have to revisit this one—I’m pretty good about spotting unused code during feature work, but we don’t have tooling in place to find code for us. I had trouble with unused because I need to upgrade Xcode first, and that won’t happen today.

Instead, I installed the SimpleCov gem, and got it configured for this app running locally. We usually run the full suite on Jenkins, though, and that’s going to require some additional configuration.

I also struggled with C code base. I did see that Unused should theoretically work with C/C++ code as long as you set up the ctags for it but I ran out of time… one more thing for my TODO list :wink: I did received some other style suggestions while running the cppcheck (thanks @nwalton!) that I’ll review later.

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Make sure your ctags file is in your .gitignore, otherwise it will see it as a code file and think your unique method is being called there. Ref.

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It looks like I am not alone in finding this to be a trickier challenge than the others.

I kept running into the following error:

Unused: analyzing unused: ./tags: hGetContents: invalid argument (invalid byte sequence)

Eventually, I got it to work after updating how I generated my ctags to only look at ruby with:

git ls-files | xargs ctags --language ruby

The results were mostly pointing me at specs and cassettes.

However, I did see an _test file which stuck out since we use rspec and would normally see _spec. This test was generated from a feedback plugin we have in our application that hasn’t been used since December 2014. I have put together a PR to start a conversation with the team about whether it provides any benefit at this point. If it gets merged, I will be +0/-1,258 for this challenge :star_struck:!

@pedrogaspar that did the trick!

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Oh wow, what a day.

“Unused” gave me a couple leads, but turned up WAY more good stuff. WARNING: I would not recommend trusting that gem - it finds a lot of false positives! However, it’s extremely thorough & permissive with what it returns on a Rails app, and it put everything in a format I could quickly browse over.

I ended up being able to delete 5 whole scaffolded-out models (including DB tables) that have been sitting unused for 2+ years in our app. We support a codebase that was ported from an old PHP app, and it looks like there’s still quite a bit of cruft left that didn’t get YAGNI’ed out during the conversion. :wastebasket:

Yet again, the time box caught up with me. I’ve got a few good leads written down to look at later - hopefully we can cut some more out soon!

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I was super busy today but luckily was able to work this into another PR I was working on. Redid our main layout to use flexbox, which subsequently allowed to remove a ton of html and css. also killed off a class that was no longer being used just to get some JS in there too.

Writing this response got me going though and I just removed an additional 300 lines of unused library code and a bit of our own code.

Wanted to leave this here – I had written about how to find and remove dead code, mostly from a Ruby language perspective. It mentions a couple of tools.

I had the same thing happen to me - not sure what to do next.

Looks like the fix is to add the tags file to your .gitignore. Once I did that it seems to run properly. Thanks for the tip @pedrogaspar

I couldn’t get unused to work well enough in the time boxing, but an old method I found earlier in the challenge literally had code after a unconditional return, which I was planning to get to (yesterday, as of this post). So, only a hundred lines or so, but still something.

Thanks for taking the time to come back and update, this worked, thanks! :grinning:

I ended up finding an unused helper method in one of the specs, and it was an enlightening exercise.

There’s some other code that I know we don’t actually want anymore, but it’ll be a fair amount of work to pull it out, so I’m putting that on the backlog.